Tuesday 24 April 2018

A Room fit for an Arabic Knight or Night!

With the ocean views from our white terrace now gone after our 3 great nights with the sounds of the Atlantic Ocean rowing off our terrace its now into our new digs ... Next Door!!!
When sandy was booking accommodation it is at times hard to work out exactly where you are going but we knew it was somewhere inside the Old Medina.
She was keeping it a surprise for me ... she is soooo cute and knows I love green so a green room it is.
I know Sandy has posted a video on Facebook that shows it way better than my pictures so check that out also.
OMG our room for the next 2 Knights

A view from our room to the central courtyard

No Beige ceilings here!

 The walls are so smooth its a polished stone affect and the Moroccan doors.

I feel like I'm on a movie sett of Laurance of Arabia

The entrance through a big blue door opens to a typical internal courtyard... the tile work is  just simply stunning.
We are on the top floor middle door

 The Moorish Arabic influences are everywhere with a hint of the Orient.
 Can't stop pinching myself
If it is a dream ... I don't want to wake up!
Thanks Sands


  1. What a spectacular building so glorious!

  2. Replies
    1. Darling the loo was white .. it was the rose coloured windows to the parlour that help with the pink effect

  3. I hope you remove your armour before you retire.
