Saturday 14 April 2018

Hard Core Food Markets

Shopping at the food markets for the 1st time was a real eye opener. These are 3rd world food markets and not the clean or the glamour of some other parts of Europe or even the poorer areas of Italy that we have travelled, it was filthy.
This is hard core on the sense, and if you have a squeamish stomach don't do them on a rainy day like we had today.
I had to take some orange oil essences to put under my nose especially when we were in the fish, poultry and meat sections. Some of the photos I wanted to take you really would want to see!
It was also a hard place to take pictures as there are so many traditional people going about their normal lives, so we have to respect that a great picture of them is not our right as a tourist to just snap willy nilly.

Back to the outside the vege sellers all under tarps

So with some food in hand its back to the House of Fusion to start cooking.


  1. A great array of fantastic vegetables at least. A good basis for wonderful cooking lessons.

  2. Those egg plant almost look as good as ours.
    Happy cooking. :)

    1. They are not as good as the ones you have been growing for us your eggplant skills are soooooo much better ... have a egg plant recipe so will be posting that shortly Thanks for the garden update with the 10mm rain XX

  3. Looks much like the markets in Athens (also sounds like it smells like them too!)

  4. Nothing like having a cultural experience!
