Wednesday 18 April 2018

Carrot and Courgettes Balls

Carrot and courgettes, creme fresh, spice's that excite you and  make into a grated wet tasty mess.

 Some of the hard... ish crepe pastry rolled and cut into 6mm strips.

Like this

Melt some butter, because everything taste better with butter. Put the pastry strips in the butter as you make each one, squash them into a cup in your hand, take some of the tasty wet mess and fold the pastry over and around it to form balls. 

  Like this

  Find a dodgie oven where the door doesn't close properly Hmmm(easy step in Morocco everything that is electrical is dodgie!!)

  Bake for 15 ish mins on a low heat


  1. Oh my goodness now they look and sound amazing, and you sure have a way with words Pete. LOL

  2. Sometimes my words are spelt wrong and I do forget the do the , and . things ... I write as I speak full steam ahead with no filters!!!!

  3. But we understand and that’s the important bit.
