Tuesday 17 April 2018

Leaving Marrakesh

So its a goodbye to the cooking school and Marrakesh as today we head for the coast some 180km and 3 hours away. We are heading west to the Atlantic Ocean. I think I'm brain dead from all the cooking days but it was some much fun and we learned an amazing amount of different dishes with many vegetarian option. Our location in the old medina of Marrakesh was a super spot and not too touristy.

 We passed many little our back dry hot towns

Picture from a speeding car but does show that it got greener as we got closer to the Atlantic Ocean.
We are traveling through wheat country and load of Shepard's

Saw a few camels and some tree goats!

 Overtook a donkey or 1000's on our trip

 Its dry and remote in some of the small villages

 Just such a different landscape

And finally into our new digs for the next 3 nights at Villa Gonatouki on the outskirts of  Essaouira
(ess a were a )
 Modern Moroccan


But no Pete don't get too relaxed
We are helping to prepare dinner
Down to the kitchen at 3pm ready for cooking duties.


  1. ooh la la a purple room for you to relax in Sandy

  2. You’re a great tour guide Pete. Love your digs
