Tuesday 24 April 2018

Mint Tea

The Moroccans love their sweet mint teas and we have been loving some and not some others
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sweet!
Have you guessed by the ooooo's that I'm still bounding off the ceiling from that last cup!!!!!!
Made with a green tea base and it is a bit of a ritual when you are being made one in some one's home as they do like a bit of
tea ceremony. 
Leaves in the pot and put on 1 cup of boiling water waiting a bit with a slow turning of the hips than that first pour into a glass to be discarded, or give to the tourist in the markets.
Do this a couple of times then fill the pot with water and return to a hot plate to boil the now well washed leaves.
Add fresh mint and a large block of sugar and pour from a height to aerate the tea to release all the flavours.
Nice minty sweet tea, put in other fresh non woody herbs like lemon verbermun and wow stunning.
As you get into it ask them to back off the sugar and then amazing.

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