Sunday 15 April 2018

Cooking With Edwina

What a huge first day cooking we had, up early like ... 4.45am to the sounds of the men calling the people to pray. Its a haunting, singing, wailing sort of sound, the sound that tell you, you are in a Muslim country.
My body clock is still a bit all over the place or maybe it's just the excitement of what the next 3 weeks cooking in Morocco will bring!

Thank goodness we had our breakfast before our 1st market trip!!  other wise I wouldn't have wanted to eat for several hours after. Moroccan spiced coffee, a lovely weak coffee taste with spices of cardamom and cinnamon, fresh banana yogurt, dried dates and raisin followed by a pancake ... great way to start the day.

Pancake with Argon oil

The nice sweet smelling side of the spice section of the markets

Today we will start to learn and understand the spices and their combination.

So these recipe are not in any order as we are doing so many different dishes I will give you some of the high lights, beside I will need to keep the blog post small as per that little issue of the
in - ter - m - itt...ent wifi.
Now what a great way to start the recipes for this Moroccan section of the blog, as at home our Suzie alias "Ross Welbeck" from comments world, a wonderful friend who is looking after our garden has just informed me that she has just picked another 22 eggplants on top of the 150 + we have harvested off the 6 bushes that she planted when we were in Italy last blog.
So to Suzie and Ross may I present Sandy eating traditionally Eggplant Hasual

Keep it together Sands ... don't start to laugh or else it's up to the showers for you!

OMG is all I can say and ... it was just such a OMG DAY


First  blister


Select some spices



  1. Looks amazing, just love eggplant. Happy to taste test for you Sandy! Xx

  2. Was yumo so when you are in Tamworth next pete xx

  3. Eggplant one of the best veggies introduced into Australia and the worst kept secret by immigrants. Thank goodness! 😀
