Friday 27 April 2018

Can't teach old dogs new tricks

  and my teacher
 and lets just say the noise I made would be as good as my singing

The whole cooking in a locals home was just such an amazing experience, it was more than just cooking, you got to be part of  family life and as we were there on several occasions the experience was even better as you could dig a little deeper.
Our hosts are activist for world peace through human interaction of all cultures to try and break down some of the stereotypical typecasting that so many of us westerners believe.
This was a truly lovely Muslim family. We were blessed to have had the chance to meet and see behind the scenes into their family life.



  1. Are you popping the musical instrument in you bags with the little camel and animal tusk chair?

  2. thought I might and make it the "trifecta of crimes" against Australian Customs
