Wednesday 18 April 2018

Tagine of Cabbage and Mince Beef

Pick a Tagine, most Moroccan houses have loads of them.
Now as for how it is made and what flavours go into it ...
well that a whole other story.
We have had some less than fabulous Tagines so as I'm am writing this after the fact I can vouch for this one as to why the flavour was so much better, so all will be revealed below.  

 Parsley and coriander stalks and all.

 Cabbage cut into 1/4 and boil till semi cooked
Less than cooked!
More than blanched!

Ginger, saffron and red paprika all ground + pepper was what we used today and it was very tasty and flavoursome combination.
Some Tagine's classes have been to confusing with too many spices so called ... "fusion" so this is why we are here at several locations and classes to make sure we are getting a broader view and not just one "fusion" opinion!!!

So in one of those terracotta bowls, all goes in (no egg as a binder)

Mix together by hand

Now to assemble get the Tagine oil the base.

Now this was where the flavour difference was for us and this is how the flavour can be booster and caramelized.
So same spice as in the minced meat but just 1/2 quantities with some parsley/coriander and some onion.

Small handfuls of the minced meat squashed into the blanched cabbage

 This is a rustic Moroccans dish, you don't have to be too precise about placement as it's all about the flavour.

Cook for about 45mins on a stove top or if you are luck enough to have a wood BBQ the extra flavour this will add is according to my Moroccan cooking team soooo worth the trouble.
So now we are looking into BBQ classes ... maybe in the desert, maybe we could go to the desert on camel and sleep in a bedwin tent ( yep more bad spelling) Carful what you wish for Pete!!

Fabulous, the flavour was so intense.
Big Win In Technique



  1. Ooooo I can just see a Morroccan inspired garden in the back corner complete with a wood fired oven M Mmmm :)

  2. You both have such a good and vivid imagination

  3. I can see a Bedouin tent also๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
