Friday 27 April 2018

School's In Dish 1 Harira

So tonight we cooked Harira which is another celebration dish ... always lots of reasons to celebrate in Morocco. 
So this is the dish that breaks your fast everyday during Ramada.
A hearty soup of lamb, lentils and chic peas cooked in a spicy tomato stock.
A nob of the Smen butter. These lentils were smaller than the other night all cooked in a pot on the stove. 

The spices used

Also made some Batbout to soak up all those wonderful flavours
This time with a dry yeast, we will have to experiment with all the recipes that we have leant over the past 2 weeks as they are all quite different, some good, some not so good.
Tonight's was a much dryer and heaver bread, it didn't have the separation like previous one's. When they were cooking they kept turning and flattening them, maybe this is not the best method but that's what we are here to learn and not just believe that one method is gospel.
 2.5 teaspoon dry yeast (good as we can get this back home)
1 teaspoon salt (it tasted good so a big tick there)
1/2 kg semolina (so very heavy)
400 water

 Always flipping! good if you are after a solid bread!

Tasted good, not a yeasty flavour, went well with the dish so perhaps I'm just being a bit too much of food critic.

Was a great dish, hearty winter dish somewhere by the fire.
Maybe on a cold winters night in Tasmania in our old age when we are too old to travel the world.

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