Saturday 28 April 2018

Visual Confrontation

makes you think deeper as to how your actions can affect and or help others. 
It is very confronting when you travel to see so many street people who their biggest crime in life is the geographic of where they are born or that they have been displaced from their own countries because of wars etc.
One can not help all but one can help someone ... it's who do you pick as you wander the streets enjoying their country from the safety of our own tourist wealth bubble.
Every morning I have been going out with food parcels leftover from our breakfast and finding someone who is grateful for a meal.
From a distance I watch and if they eat what I have given them I go back and give them some $ also, if they eat the food I then know that they are doing this to survive.
Its not just another street scammer "well if a dumb tourist wants to give me money because I put on a old suit put out my hand wandering the streets well that his problem".
Yesterday I gave some food to a lady in a wheel chair and this morning when I was back around near her again she quickly put away her new I Phone and stuck out her hand again.
I smiled and carried my food parcel on to someone else.
It makes you syndical but it makes you look a bit harder for the real people in need.
   I sat next to (he didn't sit next to me) a 39 year old man down by the beach and I started to talk to him and he told me of his displacement from his homeland of Syria.
His travels down through Europe into Africa with his 2 children, mother and sister with basically the clothes on their backs. The rest of what he told me is in my heart and just to graphic to write.
His words will affect me for the rest of my life and in a away that only my heart will have to deal with as we talked about todays cruel world. He and I hugged and cried together on the beach as we both looked out into the distance ocean and prayed to our own gods for a peaceful safe world.
I could tell he was just such a broken man that he needed to talk and just to hug someone that didn't judging him. He was just like me only younger but displaced from his land that he loved, did have a home and a job.
We all need to make a difference for someone. I helped him for the day with some $ and a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.
 I hope and pray that I have made just a little difference to his life.
 He is one of the genuine people that we all need to look out and find.
Please don't comment to this post ... just think how your own actions will help someone else who's current life is not as wonderful as your own.



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