Wednesday 18 April 2018

Moroccan Courgettes Soup

I'm not fussed at all on zucchini soup but this Moroccan Courgettes Soup is fantastic!!
Actual last year in Italy we found a light green zucchini for the first time and now again here in Morocco. So when we got home from Italy I started to search and found some seeds of the light green zucchini. To me a sweeter flavour, maybe our Sydneyite friends have this variety in the markets but not in Tammy yet. 

Simple but great flavour.
Some onion and garlic with sliced Courgettes sweat down a bit in a little oil and butter.

Add some boiling

 See the lovely butter, that where a lot of the creamy flavour come from so you the best salted butter you can find 

Blend and serve with coriander and some bread



  1. I've been buying those light green ones from the organic markets sat mornings in front of Hopscotch every now and again a few dribble in I will source the grower and her seeds, probably Heather. Yes they are delicious.

  2. Yep. We can get them. Especially in the more middle eastern areas
