Friday 27 April 2018

Sand Drifts

The wind blows so much sand around that there is always men sweeping and shovelling it back to the ocean.
When you sit for a meal outside the taste of salt and grit is a bit off putting but this is the real Morocco and sand is a way of life here and we are the intruders.

But the bigger problem is the wind as will blow over ones glass of vino right off the table!! and as vino is hard to get here in Morocco that would be a right wasteful shame.

For us its a window seat overlooking the view and eating the food as the chef would like it served ...

with a glass of local Moroccan vino.

 and without the extra salt and sand.
The smoked salmon here is to die for.


  1. Another solution is use both hands one to hold onto the wine glass and the other to feed yourself. Works for me!

  2. Fresh and colourful but best still no sandblasting 👏
