Monday 23 April 2018

Cooking With a Local

Tonight's mission is to walk through the old medina and out into the burb's to meet a local family and do a cooking class in their home.
Cool this will be fun, Sandy has been so excited to be doing this that she has booked 2 nights with the same family.
With the help of Google we arrived at the appointed meeting point the pharmacy at 6pm.
On queue a man comes up to us and introduces himself, thank goodness we are going back a second time as I will have to get his name then.
  Just over the road was a boy selling fresh season peas, I wanted to buy some so my yet to be assigned a name man offers to buy some so they can be part of tonight dinner.

Started with green tea and sugar (no mint as he was concerned that the farmers are spraying chemical at the moment) hmmmm.
Afternoon tea with some local pastries just be for we start to cook fantastic, I haven't eaten since breakfast so a bit ready for a nibble.
The main room in the house facing the street was this large sitting / dining area. Loved the cushions maybe we need to buy some new fabric for our Moroccan room.
The renovation and redecoration only recently being finished.

 So what's on the menu to cook tonight.
The peas of course good start.
 with some spices

  A bit of chook

  an yes my favourite some lentils




  1. Just need to put it altogether and yum

    1. This dish is a bit of a one pot wonder ... well + the bread
