Tuesday 17 April 2018


and they are Mmmmm'Smmn yum...
So with a moist elastic dough flatten all by hand, it is a very soft dough needs to be VERY well worked and finished with an oil rub.
Lucky M'Smmn!!
See the little very smooth knobs, the dough is so soft and moist that you extrude the mixture through your hand, I liken it to mozzarella cheese (Hint it's that soft)

These are great as they can be sweet or savoury, you see them everywhere in the street markets the smell of cooking oil and the mobs of people soooo Moroccan.
Get some date paste, ground almond, cinnamon, orange flower water and honey
 Make into a paste and spread on to the flattened dough, sprinkle with some extra ground almond.

Fold, fold, turn, fold and fold again, this folding is the same way for the savoury one's,  so remember that for later.

Flatten down more just before you cook them on a fry pan

Because of the folding with the oil you get a flaky M'Smmn

 Now for the savoury M'Smnn fold, fold, turn, fold and fold again well remembered, go to the top of the class.
Now we cook them, flatten out like we did with the sweet ones, put them in the fry pan turning several times, this time let it balloon a bit so keep turning and then pick them up (bloody hot) and try to open one end like a pocket. Now here is where the savoury magic happens. Get the already cracked egg with some herbs and spices in a jug then pour into the open end, cook until the egg is cooked.
Savoury M'Smnn sooooooo good.
Sandy's and my take on this recipe would be to whisk the egg with the herbs and spices this way the flavour would be more evenly distributed.

Eat and enjoy ... opps take photo first, Piglet Pete


    Then another