Monday 23 April 2018


This was such a filling dish and so full of flavour.
Chicken in a pot with the appointed spices, onion and fresh parsley and coriander
Onto the stove with some water and add in the lentals

Till it looks like this

Brown in the oven for extra taste and colour.
Now this was a new ingredient "Smen" that we have never seen before, it is a fermented butter with the smell of a ripe blue cheese. It was 1 teaspoon in the pot to cook and another on the chicken prior to the browning in the over and yes that flavour did come through in the finished dish.
Now Suzie I know you love to work with fermentation so maybe a challenge for you to work out how to make it and I will be your even new-er-est best friend forever.
So now we need to make some flat bread 1 kg, flour 1 teaspoon salt 400 mls water and olive oil to keep the moist.

 Cook on a flat plate adding a new one each time and then turning the stack
Tear into small pieces, good job for Pete

 Till it looks like this

 Pour over the lentil chicken pot juices and mix through

 Place the chicken back on top and well this is
omg omg omg
Sooooooooo going to do this one back at The Retreat



  1. I'm on to it, i'll Dr google it. Broad beans are in, moon phase said first quarter which is now and they take 18-20 weeks roughly before harvest, fingers crossed they do as well as the eggy fruit.

    1. Thankyou ... Sandy is worried that I'm overloading you with things to do ... hoping that I'm not imposing too much on your time.

    2. Not at all, what's the old saying. Idle hands are the devils playground. Plus it's a good learning curve for me.

    3. Hmmmm Idle hands are the devils playground ...
      Can I steel that saying for a blog later

  2. Love that you make a flat bread and use it the soak up the juices.

    1. Was a great idea and so filling and tasty
