Sunday 15 April 2018

Cucumber Sorbet

Have cooked several other dishes over the past few day but the Wifi is driving we crazy here so hopefully at the next location I can upload some more dishes

From left was the tomato and onion stew with a egg lid,
Cucumber Sorbet, Cuscus with the juices from the Saffron Chicken Tagine and the Braised Lamb Neck Tangiers.
The difference between Tagine and a Tangiers is the
Tagine is cooked in the Tagine
and the Tangiers is cooked in a normal pot on the stove
Now back to the Cucumber Sorbet what was a great palette cleanser.
You will need a lets say peppermint (well this is what I think is our best alternative back home) and when we were at the food markets the smell of the mint took me straight back to a wild mint that we had at Fountain della Pappa in Italy last year, it's a strong smell and flavour.
 Here is the lovely Sands doing the smell test.
So cut the mint fine, add juice and pulp of a lemon, red onion cut super fine, grate the cucumber, acing sugar to taste freeze. To me this was fabulous match with the Saffron Chicken Tagine.
Food Heaven!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth, it was yummy ... hope your trip is going well
