Thursday 19 April 2018

Preserved Lemon & Chicken Tagine

Back to the Kitchen Day 2
This afternoon we prepared a different menu for tonights dinner.
The girls in the kitchen are loving Sandy's interaction so there are more of them coming out of the "desert" to see what is happening. This is not a structured class in any way, it is an open kitchen where you can come and just get involved and learn from the local girls that cook here for this amazing 30 person Villa.
Soooooooo lucky as we are the only ones wanting to cook so we are getting alllll the attention and allll the Moroccan tips.

Add a bit of this and a bit of that

  from the pantry!

 and well ... it has to have some preserved lemon

 Spices are in heaped teaspoons unless I say different.
8 pieces chicken,1 onion, 1 preserve lemon, 2 garlic, heap tablespoon minced parsley, 3 tablespoons oil,  butter 1 teaspoon and ground spices of 2 ginger, 1.5 saffron and 1/2 salt pepper, 1/2 pepper 2 x a special chicken spice blend from the local markets called Morosia ( so the  market spices of cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg and turmeric, in what quantities, well that is a market mystery! so we will have to play with that)
Marinate and sit for 1 hour

Cook for 1 hour

Mmmmmm can't wait for dinner

A side of sautéed carrots, with coriander, parsley &  black pepper.
Boil the carrots with salt till soft and sautéed pre-service.


  Our dining room tonight is in another wing of the villa, need to check out all the dining location in this amazing Moroccan Villa.

Sandy's favourite room ... Wonder why.

 A simple starter off edam style of grilled cheese with thyme on toast.
To serve add some green olives warm at the end of the cook, with some preserved lemon and harrisha, at last some hot spice...

Well maybe we did have another get dress for dinner look!
Hey it's all mix and match.

  The flavour of the preserved lemon chicken was soooo tasty and the chicken was like eating a farmed chicken from my childhood, remember when it was more rustic and meaty to chew,
 a true delight to the tastebuds.


  1. I've seen that jacket somewhere Pete. I seem to remember that it came from an exclusive tailor!
    That tagine sounds fabulous - shall have to try it out.
