Tuesday 24 April 2018

Arabic Words

Trying as much as possible to learn a few Arabic words to be polite, so have my little queue card in my pocket.
A greeting first is always a good thing and we have been given the royal treatment thanking us for trying to speak some Arabic.
Sell arm oh ally coom.
Greeting and peace be with you.
Totally my break up procuration so I get it close to right!!
But the "A Fruk a Tennie" meaning "please may I have" ... doesn't mean can I please have in Auzzie "just a little goodtime"!!!!
This was a bit of a challenge to say correct and not giggle.
So it's Furk as in Arck means "please"
Then the Thankyou its like in "Chook run" not Shock Ran as I have it above... so still learning.
Anyway with hand on heart as you greet someone they know what you are trying to say and as it is a greeting from the Quran they are so grateful for the blessing that you are treated so nice back.


  1. Your doing well, now you just have to remember it haha.

  2. That's what the card is for my memory is hmmmmm !!
