Friday 27 April 2018

On Our Way To A E I O U Cooking School

It's back to school, cooking school that is ...
 Again it's at our local family's home. We had such a great night before and looking forward to a different menu again tonight.
Last time I wanted to take some pictures of the walk to the burb's but as the I Pad was our navigator and me being a boy I could only do onething at a time I didn't want to risk loosing the map by taking a picture.
This afternoon all over that and can remember the route so let the walking pictures flow.
Past the open air butcher at the far end of the Old Medina
road way now starting to get less touristy.
Stoped to buy our Essaeiou souvenir.
A cotton wrap for making Moroccan breads at The Retreat.
Got a Moroccan tax receipt.
Oooded & Arred at the preserved lemon display
and the huge selection of olives
loving the harrisa and cumin blends
Heading through another set of triple arched gates of the Old Medina past the onion sellers and the cart parking area.
These carts you see the men using all around and in the old medina as it is a old city and no cars allowed.
Now out of the Old Medina past the local taxi rank.

 Into the local markets and streets

Stopping to buy some more souvenirs  ... Hmmmmm maybe not!!

The local markets this end of town are a mix of
Shanty meets Shabby Chic 
This is the real end of town.

Star pupil ... ready for roll call 


  1. Wow what temperature is it over there, hmmm an open air cool room

    1. It's make no difference what the outside temperature is, today was 25ish deg. but hot enough to get sunburnt

  2. Love the taxi rank. Thanks for the walk, so interesting.

    1. My pleasure it was a interesting walk ... a clayton's walk with you is always fun, you may get a few more opportunities to come for a clayton's walk with me before this trip is over
