Tuesday 17 April 2018


Now we are getting a bit personal!! Ahh ... Fakkas is the name of the next dough we are making.
This is a Moroccan style biscotti, our teacher didn't want to show us this as we have done so many cooking classes in Italy, but we are here to learn Moroccan and all the little differences. To me it was a great biscotti as it was a moister, softer and with the date paste a great breakfast Biscotti unlike the Italian which dryer harder.
We are in a Muslim country, so in Italy traditionally they have their to dunk into liquor where as the Moroccans are having it with mint tea 

The top ones almond with raisin and the bottom the moist one with the date paste


  1. Lindsay has fallen in love with the date paste ones - a must at the Retreat!

  2. The are just so yummy and soft so good for our ageing teeth
