Sunday 15 April 2018

Bastier Pigeon

So it's back to the food markets which is just up the ally out of our front door, it's like having our own huge fresh pantry as required and one hand ready for the next dish.

Past the man with the "fresh" poultry delivery and thank goodness it's a dry day, I can make the length of the fish and poultry section without having to hold my nose!!!!

Well it doesn't come much fresher!

These couple of guys where real curators and make a thin flat bread / Wakah pastry. Loved my I Pad and wanted to see the pictures and videos I took of them at work so the next day I went back with a couple off Kangaroo pins for them, they were stoked. Nice to get a repour with the locals and after being in their markets for a few days its nice to be recognised.
Need to get longer arms Pete if you are going to do a selfie, this may help discuses a few off those double chins!!!!

It looks like glue, very sticky and makes the base and topping for todays Bastier Pigeon, sort of pie.

 As fine as a tissue but supper strong, like a Vietnamese roll case but ... Moroccan different.   

So it back to the cooking schools kitchen

After getting 2 poor little things from the rafters of the local markets!, ask some kind vender to do the dirty deed with them, add in some spices cook than shred.

Once shredded stir is ground almonds and eggs to form a paste

Into a dish lined with 3 layer of the Moroccan Wakah pastry

Wrap the Wakah pastry over and just cook in the oven till you brown the pastry as the filling is already cooked

Now here is where it gets Moroccan weird in a strangle nice!!! way. Dust the finished pie with cinnamon hmmmm OK and then icing sugar !!!
So a sweet savoury pigeon pie most likely not a big winner back in Australia but it was different, nice, unusual.

So Sandy and I work-shopped the recipe last night over a drink in a local bar and have come up with a Aussie version with say lamb, as the meat needs to be a dark and slightly oiley/richer same spices, tame down the dusting of cinnamon and - the icing sugar.