Tuesday 10 April 2018

Last Day In Japan

It's our last day in Japan  ... well untill early August on our return so we need to get to do as many things as possible, tomorrow is a 14 hour flight to England so we can sleep then.

So another culinary thing not to eat!

 Culinary thing to eat but too many calories this early in the trip!
Besides they are way toooooo cute.
 If it's green and with chocolate don't assume that it will be peppermint! they love to hide green tea in the most unusual places!

You have all seen those plastic foods which are designed for tourist in many a Japanese restaurant, here they have taken food hygiene to a new level and plastic wrapped plastic food displays!

  Amazing how a box of fruit can cost around $ 75.00 + Tax ouch.

A boxed strawberry $3.25
Or a new variety of pink strawberry at $10.00 with tax 
Yes some food is taxed in Japan
The food shops are just as beautiful as the food presentation.
and if you need to go the toilet in the food court think about it in advance!
Also wanted to show you our hotel by day so you can see we are not total deviate's!! well at least one of us!
Our room is the top windows between the 2 black columns.
Huge amount of real-estate for a room in Japan, great to have a tall new Aussie friend in high places.

Another Love Hotel by day! Oh is that Sands taking close up pictures of the mirror tiles or checking out their "menu"
Or will it be another long night!




  1. Japan, great way to start your trip. Travel safely on the next leg.xx

  2. The fruit sandwiches remind me of what was offered for tea at one of my Korean Orchestra rehearsals last year: Coleslaw with potato salad with egg with strawberry jam as a sandwich. Sounds bad, right? Tasted FANTASTIC!!!! You just never know.
