Tuesday 10 April 2018


Part of our digging deeper into cultural taste is looking at the little details you miss first time and well due to the bombardment of things to look at and taste, there is lots to absorb.

Salt in Japan is used very differently as most of the salty flavour is from soy but they do have many little dusting piles if you look closely.

The first one we had was with the seed from the plant Hiroko has in her garden and they refer to it as Japanese pepper... It has a very strong, hot, taste the closest I can relate it to is Tasmanian Pepperberry.

The next salt was a pink cherry blossom colour on a desert plate... it's just in the middle... I did say a dusting! BUT, it did really enhance the Mucha as strange as it sounds...

But our favourite was this one from a fish dish, the salt had been crushed almost to a powder with roasted nori.


  1. We had Japanese pepper last night with shabu shabu really lifted the flavour and the spiciest is so rounded and kind of lingers just long enough. Love it!!

  2. Nori salt sounds interesting and probably not that hard to make.

  3. between you and Sandy we would have a winning team

  4. Funny that, I've always had salt on apples and rockmelon to bring out the flavour
