Tuesday 10 April 2018

Kinako and Kokuto

2 New food taste this trip ...
Kinako ...  Roasted Soy Bean Powder.
Which is a powder that is used as a sprinkle over savoury or deserts. Tastes a bit like our malt! but with a more nutty roasted flavour.
Kokuto is a black syrup made from black sugar, it tastes like our trickle! only with a much darker flavour.

Yesterday they had used the Kokuto syrup mixed with the Kinako powder to make a sticky flavour bomb over the
soy milk mucha ice cream .... AMAZING
Being a boy I'm very suspicious of "green ice cream" once a long long  time ago in a far off country hmmmm "Australia" it was made with green tea and tasted like eating a ball of ice cream that had been dropped into a fermenting compost heap of hot newly mown green clover and buffalo lawn clippings.
It's a childhood "smell memory" burned in to my head from my 1st business as a 10 year old, teamed with a "food memory" of a 30 something going to a posh restaurant and having a so called 
"new food experience".
Something's just don't go together! well maybe they do if it was done right.
So with the look of horror when this green desert dish arrived I gingerly tried and to my delight now I have new taste memory to wipe away all the old one's....  


  1. And it’s presented so beautifully you would have to enjoy it.

  2. Have never tried Macha, have seen it used a lot on the cooking shows, so am keen to try it
