Thursday 5 April 2018

Feel good start to my day

What a great start to my day ... well I didn't think so at first !
I was hmmm ... Now Pete let's keep it nice as this is only day one of this 2018 section of the blog .... so let's just say that I was doing something with bricks and my bodily functions! if you get the jist!

Coming through immigration doing all the right things looking at the camera, taking my hat off, not smiling so the little person inside the little computer would recognise my picture, you know the one on my passport.
But no clearly not my day the gate wouldn't open and a lovely lady with a non expressional face!!!!! tells me in a dark voice to follower her. Heart sinks, Pete try to stay calm, be nice, use soft conversation but don't be too chatty, try not to look guilty like the people on boarded security TV show... finally she delivered me to another person and well apparently my current face was not the one on my old passport.
Todays face is 13 kg's lighter ... wow can't hide anything for immigration.
Now with the biggest smile on my face its a great start to the day.
Lets just hope that I don't find tooooo many KG's hiding waiting to reattach themselves!!!!!


  1. Mmmm scary. However looking on the bright side you can eat/drink 15 kg's of extraordinary food and exceptionally fine vino guilt free knowing you'll get back through customs. LOL Cheers Us xx

  2. Oh well, get all the problems out of the way early.

    1. Hi Bill it was great catching up over Easter
      Re problems and getting them out of the way early well the trip is only beginning and I'm sure that I will find myself a little bit more trouble an the way!!

  3. We all wish we could have that problem. Well done Pete!!!!!

    1. Hey the passport is due to expire 2019 so I will just have to get a new one for MY GAP YEAR now that we have started Sands final sector!!!!!

  4. Your blog always makes me laugh. You would not expect to be pulled aside for loosing weight. Xxx
